Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My buggie boy

Not a good picture of me but this was seconds after he was born
This morning my brother in-law and his girlfriend gave me a new niece, Lillian Marie Crist. Sadly, because she lives in Illinois, I won't have the pleasure of meeting her for a while. I hope sooner then later. Seeing her inspired me to write about my own shinning star, the love of my life, my little buggie (as I have called him since I knew he was a boy).

Before he was born, my life was incomplete. My husband had wanted kids from the day he met me, I on the other hand wanted to wait. We had only been married a couple of months when we got the news of our wonderful surprise. Little did I know that this human being only being 8 lbs 9 oz at birth could be the love of my life and will always be my buggie boy. He has made our lives complete.

This is my Grandma, waiting for her first Great grand child to make his appearance. (she is in my previous blog)

The day we took Jaidyn home. (of course in all U of A)

I still remember the day I went into labor, the day he was to be here. It was February 5th, 3 days before his actual due date. I was laying in bed (which most women do at this point, when you have an extra 25 pounds and almost 9 pound baby in you) watching the basketball game (of course U of A was playing). It was about 9:00 at night and my contractions started. I went in the living room and told Shane, okay it's time go. My husband was so excited, he had to stop and use his inhaler. We made it to TMC and almost 12 hours later at 11:03 am, February 6, 2008, our son was born into this world. Jaidyn O'Neill Crist, 8 lbs 9 oz, 5 fingers, 5 toes and no hair. To me, he was and is my angel, my saviour.

For those of who don't know my three old son, you would be amazed. And I'm not just saying this because he is my child. He is a smart, love able child with the ability to make any one's day amazing. From before he was born he was feisty. I have one of his sonogram pictures where he flipping the camera off, which of course he continued to do as a infant.

I have come to know this little man, from being this amazing baby (which I got very lucky) to this amazing three year old, who tells me what he wants, what hurts, what he needs, when he needs to do something, and of course all his sassyness and spunk. Even with all the normal three year old behavior, all the good out weighs this. I look forward everyday to coming home and relaxing with my baby and having him tell me of his stories of the day. I believe in my heart that he changed my husband and I's relationship for the better. Because of Jaidyn he has made us stronger, more dependent on each other and if he hadn't come into our lives, I don't know what today would bring us. I do know I love my husband more for bringing this amazing person into my life. 

I was lucky enough to find a husband who not only is good to me, but is the most amazing father I could have asked for. Just the other day, Jaidyn and him were out side and Jaidyn stopped and said "Daddy I love spending time with you" This brought tears to both of our eyes. He gives us unconditionally love and hope he stays this love able way.

Being a parent , you always think, am I doing the right thing, am I doing what's best for him? All these thoughts torment me everyday, I try to overcome them by thinking how happy he is and how much love he does get every single day. For now, I guess we sit back and enjoy the time we have and able to spend with him, both Shane and I working full time, it comes less then we would like.

Jaidyn is going to be our next basketball star, so remember these pictures and his mothers thoughts and anxieties because soon, you will all have to remind of these days. I am so thankful for what our lives have become and I owe it all to my Buggie boy.

This is my amazing boy now. Just made a shot!


  1. You are an amazing mother! And he is just so adorable! Even though he wants the sun arrested for hurting his eyes lol! The love a child is indescribable!

  2. I know Shanna, I will never let him forget that :)
